3 Combat Fire Cape by Rendi

Описание к видео 3 Combat Fire Cape by Rendi

In today's video I will finish what I set myself out to complete nearly 8 years ago, that being, the lowest possible fire cape in the entire game of Runescape. This fire cape will be completed at only level 3 combat, otherwise known as the starting combat in Runescape. Therefore, I am taking on this intense Fight Cave challenge with the weakest of stats.

My partner in crime for this record is Xzact. Check out his 3 combat fire cape video below, some different strategies were used:
   • 3 Combat Fire Cape by xzact  

We developed many of these strategies together and figured it was best to come to an agreement to share this record before the attempts even began, finishing the caves together once and for all.
Therefore, Xzact uploaded at the same time as mine today, and you should really give it a solid watch. Xzact is truly one of the best, if not the best, solo all-around Runescape pvmers I know. I highly recommend you all to go check out even his other videos on his Youtube channel here:
   / xzactrs  
He also shows up with some crazy live stream content here:
  / xzact  

Also if you want to drop me a follow on my other social media platforms, I am in active in all of the following:

► Twitter:   / rendi_mento  
► Twitch:   / rendimento  
► Discord:   / discord  
► Reddit:   / rendi  

Help support the channel and check out the merch store here:

As well, if you haven't already, check out my Lower the Better series here:
   • Potato Only Has Fallen : A New Beginn...  

Play Runescape now, a free to play (F2P) online MMORPG: https://www.runescape.com

Play Oldschool Runescape now, a free to play (F2P) online MMORPG:

All music by EpidemicSound:


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