Final Demo of the Howard Receiver and Panadapter Unit - Working Well!

Описание к видео Final Demo of the Howard Receiver and Panadapter Unit - Working Well!

I found another fault in the panadapter while I was testing it - this time an intermittent silver mica capacitor in the AGC line (the 'C' version of this unit has a simple AGC circuit that operates on the IF amplifier tube only). There are two silver mica capacitor on this line, so I replaced them both. That improved the display when handling very strong signals. I also realized that the Howard 450A receiver has an IF of 465KHz (on bands 'A' through 'D'), not 455KHz, so this results in the 'Centre Frequency' control having to be adjusted towards one extreme of its travel to compensate. I had also bodged the connection from the panadapter input to the mixer tube of the Howard - this was re-made using a tube socket adapter to avoid having to remove the chassis from the cabinet. The Howard and the panadapter are now 'playing very nicely' together(!).


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