
Описание к видео #pov

Haii halo OwO🍫

⚠️video ini bersifat fiksi jadi mohon jangan di anggap serius
⚠️tidak bermaksud menyinggung/merendahkan negara lain
Hey hello OwO🍫

️⚠️This video is fictional so please don't take it seriously
️⚠️do not mean to offend/demean other countries

Translate (english) :

🇲🇾: Phil ? When is brother coming home? Mal misses playing with brother Indo.. this is all Mal's fault, if only Mal didn't invite brother to play in the park, brother would still be here
🇵🇭: it's not Mal's fault, no one knows Indo will be like this right

The next day

🇵🇭: good morning and happy school

*Phil gets off his bed

🇵🇭: why was my breakfast delivered to my room even though I didn't want to eat it, it must have been Pales who make it... well, it's better than not eating it

Meanwhile at school

🇰🇭: oh yes btw homework Mal ready?
🇲🇾: homework ?
🇰🇭: yes yesterday we were given homework, told to make a tutorial jumping from the building
🇲🇾: Mall take a look first

In the classroom

🇲🇾: done? But Mal is sure that i hasn't done my homework yet, is Singapore doing it? But it's not possible.. so who is it?

In Phil's class

🇵🇭: Ima! Why are you wearing sports uniforms?
Ima : Yes, today we have an exercise schedule
Lion : Why is Phil not wearing his uniform? Missed this again? Later the teacher will teach killer you know

*Phil leaves

Lion: uhh run away..

Phil went to his locker to look for his uniform

🇵🇭 : but the feeling of the uniform is still being washed, how come.. well, it's positive, maybe last night there was global warming so this uniform can dry, but who put it here..? Ah never mind maybe the mouse put it

On Sunday

🇵🇸: what's wrong?
🇵🇭: never mind, don't deliver breakfast to my room directly, or else it will be a hassle
🇵🇸: breakfast ? But I never brought breakfast to your room and didn't you really never want breakfast, did you?
🇵🇭: yes sorry after that I don't have the appetite to eat
🇵🇸: ish how if you get sick
🇵🇭: ...but who makes breakfast? You're the only one who's can and likes to cook here
🇵🇸: maybe it's your papa (ASEAN) or a country that is learning to cook
🇵🇭: (but it's been almost 2 weeks)

In the afternoon Phil saw Cambodia crying with his injured leg

🇵🇭: Cambodia, what happened?
🇰🇭: I was almost hit by a motorbike in front of the house
🇱🇦: yeah, luckily someone saved him, oh yeah, who saved you?
🇰🇭: brother Indo
🇱🇦: maybe you just saw it wrong or there is a country that looks like him
🇰🇭: no !! He also has golden wings, that must be brother Indo
🇱🇦: never mind, you better rest ok?

At night

🇵🇭: (dream.. why do beautiful things only exist in dreams?)
🇲🇾: Phil
🇵🇭: hmm?
🇲🇾: is what Cambodia said true? Brother Indo who saved him
🇵🇭: I don't know.. but something is bothering me, it's been almost 2 weeks now someone has prepared breakfast for me, it's just that when I asked all countries, no one knows, I also often leave things I'm at home, but someone.. he seems to have prepared all my things neatly
🇲🇾: Mal too, Mal often forgets homework but someone has done it, Mal doesn't know when he did it but he always helps Mal, is that possible..?

🇵🇭: Mal.. did you notice something? Cambodia says he almost got hit in front of the house.. isn't it in front of the house.. there is CCTV

Then Phil and Malay also checked the cctv and found something
While the Indo spirits are standing behind them

🇮🇩: I'm not too late to save him right?

ending :']

Y/N: dare?
Aka:.. runs away

Ima: if you run, be careful, why don't you see someone else's child sleeping!?


//You know ? I just translated it so sorry if there are mistakes OwO
Karakter/Country :


Gachacountry :

Ib/Credit :
   • Видео   (Intro)
[Keep in mind that I am in the neutral team in terms of ship]

Okay i hope you like this video OwO🍫


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