聖經故事 - 亞當和夏娃 🔹 Adam and Eve🔹 粵語/廣東話

Описание к видео 聖經故事 - 亞當和夏娃 🔹 Adam and Eve🔹 粵語/廣東話

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聖經故事 - 亞當和夏娃
Animated Bible Story - Adam and Eve

Welcome to Saddleback Kids Hong Kong YouTube channel. Saddleback Kids, the children’s ministry at Saddleback Church, has developed these fun and creative ways to teach children about God’s word. We are here to help parents connect kids to the content that they learn each weekend at Saddleback Church. These videos can also be used as stand-alone bible lessons that parents can view with their children. We hope you enjoy and learn what God has planned for each of us.



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