Y Treiglad Meddal

Описание к видео Y Treiglad Meddal

The Soft Mutation occurs:

1. After the personal possessive pronoun ‘dy’ (‘your’)

2. ...and after the personal possessive pronoun ‘ei’ (‘his’)

e.g. tad - dy dad - your father
brawd - dy frawd - your brother

e.g. mam - ei fam - his mother
parti - ei barti - his party

2. In adjectives and nouns (not verbs) after the linking word (predicative) ‘yn’

e.g. coch - yn goch - red
meddyg - yn feddyg - a doctor

mynd - yn mynd - going
gwylio - yn gwylio - watching

The consonants ‘ll’ and ‘rh’ are exceptions to this rule
e.g. llwyd - yn llwyd - grey
rhad - yn rhad - cheap

3. In singular, feminine nouns after the definite article ‘y’ (the)
e.g. merch - y ferch - the girl
pêl - y bêl - the ball
cadair - y gadair - the chair

The consonants ll and rh are an exception to this rule
e.g. llaw - y llaw - the hand
rhaw - y rhaw - the spade

2. In adjectives which follow a singular, feminine noun
e.g. merch dal - a tall girl
ffilm dda - a good film
gardd fawr - a large garden
cath fach - a small cat
ffrog goch - a red dress

4. After the prepositions ‘am’ (at / for), ‘ar’ (on), ‘at’ (to / at), dros’ (over), ‘drwy’ (through), ‘dan’ (under), wrth’ (by), ‘o’ (from), ‘i’ (to), ‘heb’ (without), ‘tan’ (until), ‘gan’ (by / from)

e.g. heb fwyd - without food
i Gaernarfon - to Caernarfon
o Fangor - from Bangor


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