How to sing with Vibrato - Vocal Techniques

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How to sing with Vibrato - Vocal Techniques

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This video addresses the question of vibrato.

How do we sing with vibrato?

And more importantly, how do we sing with and develop a healthy and therefore great sounding vibrato?

There is a huge misconception among singers that vibrato is something we have to manufacture or somehow create ourselves. This is very far from the truth!

This shows a lack of understanding of what vibrato actually is. Vibrato is simply the rapid variation in pitch produced by the oscillation (movement) of the vocal cords. And the vocal cords are only free to produce a nice sounding vibrato if everything else - i.e. our foundation vocal technique is working well

A proper and correct vibrato comes naturally as the result of healthy vocal technique - nothing else!

The Top 3 things that produce/ develop a great vibrato sound:

1) Effective Deep Breath and steady and even release of the breath

Practice breathing in and out in steady counts

2) No constriction in the tongue

Stretch out the tongue to get rid of tension in the root of the tongue

3) Keeping a nice open throat

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