Roman Messer - Suanda Music 445 [

Описание к видео Roman Messer - Suanda Music 445 [

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[00:00] 00. Intro
[01:12] 01. Skyvol & Jus_Hak - Einherjar [2Rock Techno]

[Track Of The Week]
[04:43] 02. Michael Milov & Ren Faye - Just Too Good [Suanda Voice]

[08:29] 03. Candle Di & Tycoos - The Way We Lead (L'WAY Anthem) [2Rock]
[12:43] 04. AMINTO - Spectrum Of Sound [Aminto Muisc]
[17:11] 05. Farnoodex - Restoration [Edge One]

[22:17] 06. Jan Johnston & Chris Jennings - Free Spirit [Suanda Voice]

[26:27] 07. DaWTone - Intergalactic [2Rock Uplifting]
[30:38] 08. Katrin's World & Irina FOX - Atmosphere [Synchronized Melodies]
[35:02] 09. Roman Messer & Jennifer Rene - Alone [Suanda]
[39:58] 10. BiXX - Escape to Euphoria (Alatheia Remix) [Edge One]
[44:36] 11. Atropate - Demons and Angels [Synchronized Next]
[48:30] 12. Deme3us & Kathie Touin - Butterflies [2Rock B Side]

[Suanda Gold Classic]
[52:50] 13. Roman Messer & Davey Asprey - Impulse [Suanda]


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