Youth Mental Health: Breaking Generational Barriers | Téaghan Ferguson | TEDxCherry Creek Women

Описание к видео Youth Mental Health: Breaking Generational Barriers | Téaghan Ferguson | TEDxCherry Creek Women

Suicide among kids my age is an epidemic," these were the first eight words Téaghan Ferguson spoke when testifying for Colorado HB11-2019. This experience led her to conduct a research project that found a generational barrier specifically in curriculum and legislation. She researched high school graduates of 1990-2000 to 2023-2026 high school graduate in a littleton based high school.

In this society youth are actively prevented from advocating for themselves and their peers. This is why we need generational learning to help break down this barrier. Youth need to be heard and supported as they advocate for their needs.

There needs to be a change so no other kid has to say, "Suicide among kids my age is an epidemic." Téaghan Ferguson is a 17 year old youth suicide prevention activist, school and community leader, curious researcher, Girl Scout, musician, and high school student from Littleton, Colorado.

For the last 7 years, she’s been a huge advocate for youth suicide education and prevention in her school district and at a legislative level and she’s been a part of multiple organizations that deal with this important issue we all face.

Téaghan loves to play the piano and cello. She’s her school’s National Honor Society President and Technology Student Association Vice President. In her spare time, she can be found lost in a novel or even writing her own.

She has also emceed the last two TEDx2CherryCreekYouth events and now sits on the Youth Board as Vice president.

Téaghan has a passion for science and medicine and is currently taking her CNA certification and hopes to attend Med School. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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