Shahroz's confrontation with ruthless youths who abused the photo of Ali and Bahar's announcement.😥😔

Описание к видео Shahroz's confrontation with ruthless youths who abused the photo of Ali and Bahar's announcement.😥😔

Shahroz went to a village where he had heard that they had bought land. But upon entering, he noticed that there was no sign of them. He decided to stick notices containing Ali and Bahar's picture and details on the walls to attract the attention and help of others.
After some time, Shahrouz received a phone call from an unknown person who claimed to have found Ali and Bahar. With a happy heart, Shahroz went to the desired location, but he encountered ruthless youths who only thought of receiving the reward that Shahroz had set for finding Ali and Bahar. These youths tricked Shahroz with a violent attitude and forced him away from there.
But Shahrouz's hope did not diminish. Another person called him and said that he saw Ali and Bahar in another village. Shahroz quickly went to that village. There, he met a young man and a spring-like girl. Despite their great resemblance to Ali and Bahar, he unfortunately realized that they are not the same people.
Shahrouz left there with a heart full of sadness and worry. He was still looking for a clue to find Ali and Bahar and was determined to continue this difficult and adventurous journey. These experiences reminded him that he should always be cautious and vigilant in searching for truth and finding loved ones.




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