Giovanni Battista Buonamente: Sonata seconda a tre violini • 4K

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Giovanni Battista Buonamente (circa 1595–1642): Sonata seconda a tre violini from Sonate, et canzoni a due, tre, quattro, cinque, et a sei voci, libro sesto (1636)

0:00 Opening
0:18 Sonata seconda
6:25 Credits

Cynthia Keiko Black, violin • Elizabeth Blumenstock, violin • YuEun Gemma Kim, violin • Corey Jamason, harpsichord

Eddie Frank, video • Chris Landen, audio
American Bach Soloists • Jeffrey Thomas, Artistic Director

Filmed in March 2021 in the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts (Davis, California).
How we made the video:

Giovanni Battista Buonamente began his professional career in service to the House of Gonzaga in Mantua, followed by serving the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II in Vienna. He performed at the coronation of Ferdinand III in Prague in 1627, before relocating to Parma where he was the violinist at the Madonna della Steccata church. Then moving on to Assisi in 1633, he served as maestro di cappella. The Sonata seconda a tre violini is hauntingly beautiful and alternates between a sweet conversation of sorts among the violins that gives way to energetic passages. Dance-like interpolations, almost joyful in nature, eventually return to the opening ascending and descending melodic exchange before another lively section concludes with just one note in the last bar, played only by continuo.

© 2021, American Bach Soloists

American Bach Soloists (ABS) are leading performers in the field of Baroque music, dedicated to historically informed performances of Bach and his contemporaries. ABS provides meaningful, memorable, and valuable musical experiences for our audiences through inspiring performances and recordings, and it supports the preservation of early music through educational programs for students and emerging professionals. Under the leadership of co-founder and Music Director Jeffrey Thomas, the ensemble has achieved its vision of assembling the world’s finest vocalists and period-instrument performers to bring this brilliant music to life.

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