T2AR: trust‑aware ad‑hoc routing protocol for MANET

Описание к видео T2AR: trust‑aware ad‑hoc routing protocol for MANET

Secure data transfer against the malicious attacks is an important issue in an infrastructure-
less independent network called mobile ad-hoc network (MANET). Trust assurance
between MANET nodes is the key parameter in the high-security provision under
dynamic topology variations and open wireless constraints. But, the malicious behavior
of nodes reduces the trust level of the nodes that leads to an insecure data delivery.
The increase in malicious attacks causes the excessive energy consumption that leads
to a reduction of network lifetime. The lack of positional information update of the
nodes in ad-hoc on-demand vector (AODV) protocol during the connection establishment
offers less trust level between the nodes. Hence, the trust rate computation
using energy and mobility models and its update are the essential tasks for secure data
delivery. This paper proposes a trust-aware ad-hoc routing (T2AR) protocol to improve
the trust level between the nodes in MANET. The proposed method modifies the traditional
AODV routing protocol with the constraints of trust rate, energy, mobility based
malicious behavior prediction. The packet sequence ID matching from the log reports
of neighbor nodes determine the trust rate that avoids the malicious report generation.
Besides, the direct and indirect trust observation schemes utilization increases
the trust level. Besides, the received signal strength indicator utilization determines
the trusted node is within the communication range or not. The comparative analysis
between the proposed T2AR with the existing methods such as TRUNCMAN, RBT, GR,
FBR and DICOTIDS regarding the average end-to-end delay, throughput, false positives,
packet delivery ratio shows the effectiveness of T2AR in the secure MANET environment

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