Creating EscapeIF Cooperative Storytelling Games for Education (full version with worked example)

Описание к видео Creating EscapeIF Cooperative Storytelling Games for Education (full version with worked example)

EscapeIF is a free game system designed to help teachers run collaborative storytelling games using only a script, a blackboard, and found objects. Learn more about EscapeIF here:    • Introduction to the EscapeIF Web site  

In this video, Scott Nicholson, professor of Game Design from Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford, Ontario, Canada, takes you through the process of planning and designing the script for an EscapeIF storytelling game. This process will be useful in making any narrative-based games or escape rooms, especially when connecting the game to learning outcomes. During the video, it is recommended you work through the EscapeIF design worksheet, pausing the video to work on this worksheet:

If you want the shorter version of this video without the worked example, it is located here:    • Creating EscapeIF Cooperative Storyte...  

Scripts and more information about the EscapeIF System can be found at

The repository for EscapeIF games is hosted by the mEducation Alliance at


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