挪威物價真的是貴到。。。。| Shocking! Prices at Norwegian Supermarkets Are Outrageously High!

Описание к видео 挪威物價真的是貴到。。。。| Shocking! Prices at Norwegian Supermarkets Are Outrageously High!


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I'll reveal the prices in Norwegian supermarkets and daily expenses. As a Malaysian living overseas in Northern Europe, I'll take you on an exploration of Norwegian grocery stores and the cost of living. If you're planning to reside in Norway or simply curious about the expenses of living there, you've come to the right place!

In this video, I'll provide an in-depth look into the grocery prices in Norway and the daily expenses, including food, household items, and other daily expenditures; the impact of inflation on prices in Norway.

Whether you're a Malaysian planning to live in Norway or just interested in overseas living, this video will provide you with valuable information. Please subscribe to my channel for more videos about life in Norway and other related topics on living abroad. Thank you for watching, and I hope you enjoy this video!

#life-in-norway #norway-grocery #norway-price #groceryshopping #grocery #groceries #scandinavia #expensive #expenses #price #malaysian #malaysia #overseas #inflation #pricehike #daily #abroad #expat #nordic

00:00 - 開場
01:11 - 超市價格
07:37 - 我都買了什麼
09:17 - 挪威超市選擇


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