undertray assembly jig

Описание к видео undertray assembly jig

Welcome to Salvinos J R Models' channel, we try to show what's new and what's in our latest kits!

This week we have a quick tip on the undertray assembly of the next gen cup car kit

For all our in-stock kits and to pre-order some upcoming releases, check out salvinosjrmodels.com/shop.

Join us every Saturday morning at 9:00 A.M. Central for our live video with the Salvinos crew and couple hundred builders from around the world at facebook.com/salvinosjrmodels

Contact us at [email protected] www.salvinosjrmodels.com

Theme music https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-mu...

Salvinos J R Models, Kit Of The Month, NASCAR, NASCAR model car kit

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