
Описание к видео 【滷鼎記美食·溜珊瑚雞丁】原來雞胸肉還可以這樣吃?


Hi, This is the official YouTube channel of 【卤鼎记美食】, thanks for visiting my channel, and I hope you enjoy it.

On this channel, you can not only learn how to cook famous Szechuan dishes, but also easy-to-cook snacks and refreshments !

關於我|About me:

蔡發慶:烹飪世家第四代傳承人; 鹵鼎記品牌創始人及商標所有者
Cai, Faqing: The fourth generation of the culinary family; founder and trademark owner of【卤鼎记】 brand

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