Opening panel: Building trust in a divided world

Описание к видео Opening panel: Building trust in a divided world

The opening plenary ‘Building trust in a divided world’ will reflect upon today’s worrying geopolitical and security landscape. The panel will discuss questions of justice, equity and double standards within the global system. They will consider the rise of new alliances and spheres of influence and the implications of these geopolitical fragmentations for peace and security. They will explore how to rebuild trust between countries and how the multilateral system can remain relevant against a backdrop of division.

Welcome and opening remarks:
Stefan Löfven, Chair of the SIPRI Governing Board

Dan Smith, Director, SIPRI

Fonteh Akum, Executive Director, Institute for Security Studies
Amitabh Behar, Executive Director, Oxfam International
Betty Bigombe, Ambassador of Uganda to Malaysia
Katja Keul, Minister of State, Federal Foreign Office of Germany
Dag Juhlin Dannfelt, Director General and Head of Global Department, Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The 2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development will unpack the complex context in which humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors are working and look at how actors are delivering on the ground in the face of these challenges. It will discuss ways to address growing mistrust and distrust between the Global North and South, and between citizens and their political representatives. It will explore how multilateral efforts—such as the Summit of the Future—could strengthen international arrangements for peace and security. And the Forum will look for possible pathways towards a more peaceful, unified future.


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