How to fill out the Form I-485 for an Adjustment of Status, Immigration Lawyer in California

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How to fill out the Form I-485 for an Adjustment of Status in the United States.

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For people who entered the U.S. with permission and are eligible for a green card (lawful permanent residence), a process known as “adjustment of status” can allow them to do the entire application process without leaving the United States. This is convenient for a number of reasons; the immigrant may already have been living in the U.S. for years, and may also wish personal help from an attorney at every step of the process.

Form I-485 is the primary application form used by would-be immigrants who are:

eligible to apply for a U.S. green card (lawful permanent residence), and
eligible to do so while living in the U.S., without leaving for an overseas consular interview.
Only a very limited group of people fit both criteria, most often people who came to the United States on a temporary visa, but married a U.S. citizen; those who received ashylum in the U.S; those who came on a temporary work visa such as an H-1B and had their employer sponsor them for a green card; and those who came to the U.S. as the fiancé of a U.S. citizen and got married before their fiance visa expired. By contrast, people who entered the U.S. without inspection, or those who overstayed a visa and are not the immediate relatives of a U.S. citizen, are usually not eligible to adjust status, even if they are otherwise eligible for a green card. They will need to use a procedure called Consular Processing.

Form I-485 itself is issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).


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