Geometric Art with Artist Janette Oakman 20 - Symmetric / Geometry / Mandala / Optical Illusion

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Geometric Art with Artist Janette Oakman 20 - Symmetric / Geometry / Mandala / Optical Illusion

I hope you all like my new geometric design and that perhaps you might like to create one of your own using some of the ideas as I've used in mine or perhaps you might like to draw along with me.

To me everything I do within a mandala whilst it is being created means something and for hundreds of years they have been used as a spiritual journey but also as a focal point for those wishing to meditate.

Geometric Art with artist Janette Oakman. Symmetrical art is so much fun to create. You can achieve so many great designs with just a cheap geometry set, a piece of paper and some imagination.
Lots of people freeze when you suggest they learn how to draw, but give them a compass and a ruler and before they know what has happened, they are fully engrossed in designing wonderful designs.

Personally, Janette Oakman prefers to design symmetrical geometric art, meaning that she likes everything to be the same.. she also loves to try to create optical illusions. The longer you look at her artwork, the more you realise you didn't see. So for example, if you look at this design, each line has to be in the exact place in one piece of the paper as it is on the other side but many artists create geometric art that isn't symmetrical and it is still beautiful, there are no rules except to have fun!
Here Janette Oakman has used Faber Castell Pitt Artist drawing pens

Janette Oakman loves to try out many different art forms, so do check her other videos as you might see something else that you'd like to try and wasn't sure how to do it.. There is even a video on how to paint with teabags!

Psychic Artist Janette Oakman lives in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk but she travels around the UK demonstrating and teaching mediumship and psychic art. If you would be interested in having her come along and do a demonstration and workshop in your church or centre, please do contact her as she would love to hear from you.


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