Replacement Method - The 15th Math Heuristic

Описание к видео Replacement Method - The 15th Math Heuristic

Math Heuristics @SingaporeSpontaneousMath
The "Replacement" Method is one of the many Math Heuristics (more to be added!) that could be used to solve certain types of Math word problems:-

The 12 Math Heuristics are:
(1) Act it out
(2) Draw a model/diagram
(3) Draw a table
(4) Make a systematic list
(5) Look for patterns
(6) Make assumption
(7) Solve part of the problem
(8) Re-state the problem
(9) Simplify the problem
(10) Work backwards
(11) "Before"/ "After" concept
(12) Guess & Check

Additional Methods illustrated by Singapore Spontaneous Math include:-
(13) "Set" Method
(14) "Elimination" Method
(15) "Replacement" Method
(16) Branching Method
(17) Units & Parts Method


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