Easy Art for Kids: Nature Prints in Clay

Описание к видео Easy Art for Kids: Nature Prints in Clay

Create beautiful prints using air-dry clay and natural elements. Display your creations as ornaments or give them as gifts! To learn more about this project and other fun art activities, visit: https://artfulparent.com/clay-leaf-pr...

•Air dry clay
•Small flowers and leaves
•Plastic mat or wax paper
•Drinking straw (optional)
•Watercolor paint or colored pencils (optional)


1. Lay a small flower or leaf on the plastic mat, vein side up.
2. Pinch off a small piece of clay and roll it into a ball.
3. Set the clay ball on the flower, then press down with the palm of your hand to flatten it.
4. Lift the clay disk, turn it over, and peel away the flower.
5. If you'd like to hang your flower print, poke a hole at the top of your disk with a drinking straw.
6. Repeat the process with additional flowers and clay balls.
7. Let dry thoroughly. This may take two to three days.
8. If desired, color the clay nature prints with watercolors or colored pencils.

🎁 This is one of the many kids' art tutorial videos that we have inside the Kids Art Spot, our online art club for children and their families. If you'd like to do more easy and fun art activities, you can try the Kids Art Spot now RISK FREE here:


Besides lots of great art tutorial videos, there are drawing prompts for kids, holiday arts & crafts, simple art invitations, and an app to make it all extra accessible.


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