Cumbria Way - Day 4: Keswick to Hesket Newmarket

Описание к видео Cumbria Way - Day 4: Keswick to Hesket Newmarket

Day 4 kicked off with a stiff uphill ascent and although short lived it would not be the most challenging of the day. It was a day of adapt and overcome. The original route for this day ends in Caldbeck, but because there were no other rooms available when booking our stays, we adapted and booked our stay at Hesket Newmarket. It would not be the only adaption for the day, as we chose to scale Coomb Height peak at 627m rather than taking the long way around before scaling Hike Pike. It effectively saved us a km or so and saved us a little time. Once at the top of High Pike we chose to take an alternative route towards our camp site in Hesket Newmarket for obvious reasons rather than the route sticklers would argue is the official route towards Caldbeck. In all, this walk was beautiful to begin with and evolved into a desolate walk which if solo camping or hiking would be quite lonely.


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