Survivor, Heroes vs. Villains S20E11, House of Cards

Описание к видео Survivor, Heroes vs. Villains S20E11, House of Cards

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Immunity Challenge: House of Cards
Each castaway was given 150 tiles that they had to stack until their tower was 10 feet (3.0 m) high. The first person to complete their tower would win immunity.
Winner: Jerri Manthey

Day 30
That next day, Sandra takes a walk with Colby and explains to him what really happened on the Villains camp. She tells him about Tyson Apostol, Rob Mariano, and Courtney Yates being part of her alliance that was eliminated. Sandra says that she is willing to flip to the Heroes and that they have to target Danielle, Parvati, or Russell.

“ When Tyson went, and then Boston Rob went, and then Courtney left me, I was done. But now, that they took out J.T. and now I can jump to them and be five against four, now is the perfect time for me to make my move. ”
–Sandra Diaz-Twine

Colby talks to Sandra about the idol, and they agree Danielle has found the idol, but they feel she is greedy and will keep it for herself. Colby wonders whether Danielle will play it on herself if she doesn't win immunity, but Sandra assures him that she won't because she feels safe in the game.

“ I know Danielle has the Hidden Immunity Idol, or will; because she has the clue, so we have to assume she's gonna find it and she'll have it in her possession. ”
–Colby Donaldson

Colby says they have to make it seem like Sandra isn't flipping for their plan to work. Colby desperately tells Sandra that she is the Heroes' last hope and asks her who to take out first from the Villains, Parvati or Russell.

After their conversation is done, Russell tries to talk to Sandra on the beach by asking her if Colby was trying to talk to her. Sandra deflects Russell's questions and says she would never flip to him, but Russell appears to see through her and tries to intimidate Sandra by telling her it wouldn't even matter if she flipped because he now has a Hero of his own on his side. As Russell leaves, he tells Sandra he trusts her, and Sandra laughs.

“ If I stay with the Villains, I'm top five - I'm not moving up from there because they're not willing to get rid of Russell. That's why I have to flip to the Heroes because I need to get Russell out. ”
–Sandra Diaz-Twine

Sandra talks with Rupert and tells him that Russell must go, but she says that Russell told her that a Hero has flipped to the Villains side. Sandra warns Rupert that he must make sure the two girls, Amanda and Candice, must be solid and stay with the Heroes because if they flip, they'll just be sent home immediately afterwards. Rupert agrees that Russell must be voted out.

“ My gosh, all it will take is Sandra to switch over to our side, that's five votes for Russell -- we could get him out of this game. The guy is a piece of garbage. ”
–Rupert Boneham

Colby and Amanda meet together about Sandra joining their side. Colby explains to the others what Sandra told him earlier when they walked through the jungle and they all agree to vote for whoever Sandra wants to get rid of. Colby is confident Sandra isn't lying because she is the one that approached him, and he couldn't see why she would bluff him.

“ If Sandra's telling me the truth; who knows, she could be playing me for the Villains - but if she's telling me the truth, you know she's ready to come on board and play ball with us, so this changes everything in a hurry. So what we gotta do is go into immunity and try to win to prevent the Villains from getting it. But if we don't, we hope Sandra's telling the truth and hope she's voting with us and in that case we will either vote for Russell or Parvati tonight. ”
–Colby Donaldson

The tribe heads to the Immunity Challenge, where Jerri wins immunity just seconds over Russell.

“ I'm voting for Russell because I've been waiting to take him down for thirty days. Thirty days too long. It's time for revenge and this is for Courtney, Boston Rob, Tyson, and even Coach, who I don't care about, but I'll stick him in there too. ”
–Sandra Diaz-Twine

The tribe returns to camp, where Jerri is euphoric over her individual immunity victory, the first she's had in three seasons.

“ I'm having an amazing day, this is the first time I've ever had immunity, so I'm just trying to appreciate and live in the extreme high I'm experiencing right now because it feels good! I'm swimming in 'yeah'! laughs ”
–Jerri Manthey

“ I'm fine with Jerri winning, any one of my teammates could have won it and I'm fine with that. I mean, look at the other side. Rupert? Colby? They're done. They look done! And Candice thinks imma take her to the top three, I haven't really made the decision yet. So Amanda is really an aggressive, strategic player. She's like Boston Rob in a girl's body. So she has to go. ”
–Russell Hantz


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