IVAN KOZLOVSKY marvalous tenor

Описание к видео IVAN KOZLOVSKY marvalous tenor

Here we have a rare tenor not very well know in the western hemisphere probably due to his Russian origin. Here we show a few pieces of his beautiful voice. If you want to shed some light on the long career of this tenor please send your comments via this medium
IVAN KOZLOVSKY was born in March 24, 1900 in Marianovka near Poltava, Ukraine, Russia and died in December 23, 1993 in Moscow, Russia at the age of 93. Ivan Kozlovsky made his operatic debut at Poltava in 1918 (or 1920) as Faust, then moved to the Kharkov opera in 1924 and Sverdlovsk in 1925. He joined the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre in 1926 and was one of the leading tenors until 1954, then appeared occasionally until 1970 (role of the Innocent in Boris and farewell concert). In an unusually long career, he appeared still frequently in public 1972-1976 and sings on July 4, 1985 for the Reizen's 90th birthday at the Moscow Bolshoi.
He was renowned for his high register and his rich palette of shadings Ivan Kozlovsky taught at the Moscow conservatory from 1956 to 1980. He was a much respected Russian citizen outside of his musical career.


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