Urban Chaos - RTA

Описание к видео Urban Chaos - RTA

The story is divided in two parts. In first part, Darci Stern is recruited as a Union City Police Officer. As a rookie, Darci takes her job seriously. In the course of her duties she frequently spars with a group of street thugs named the Wildcats, who start getting involved in increasingly dangerous criminal activities; kidnappings, bombings--unusual behaviour even for street thugs. While investigating the Wildcats, she meets a mysterious vigilante named Roper. Roper gives her clues to aid her investigation of the Wildcats and offers warnings that the Wildcats are more dangerous than they appear and that they are getting more organized, stronger and have plans to take over Union City. Darci initially rejects Roper's warnings but soon discovers that he may be right. She informs her superiors but they fail to take any notice of it and ignore the Wildcats, seeing them as only another group of street thugs.

Then things start to heat up as the Wildcats start committing bigger and bigger crimes. The incidences of arson, murder and even kidnapping a news journalist, increase all over Union City with the Wildcats behind it all. The police now find themselves nearly helpless and unable to deal with the amount of crime. Darci and Roper join forces battling the gangs. Darci soon becomes personally obsessed with stopping the Wildcats.


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