On-Ice Transitional Agility Turn Pivot TUTORIAL

Описание к видео On-Ice Transitional Agility Turn Pivot TUTORIAL

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The “Turn Pivot / or Turn Pivot” gets its name from the fact that, while staying forwards, your toes turn and face backwards, before you switch your skates (pivot) to begin your backward crossover. The advantage of the “Turn Pivot,” is that you are not committing to the crossover right away, so you are maintaining strong body positioning. Also, the turn portion helps maintain your speed and so you can carry it backwards when you pivot. The disadvantage of the “Toes Pivot,” is that it is not as quick and explosive as the “Immediate Pivot,” as you have to wait for the turn to be completed before switching your skates for the crossover. “Turn Pivots” are very commonly used when angling players, and finding your defensive positioning (lane and gap), before deciding when to switch to backwards to defend against the attacking player.


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