A Walk in a Marvellous Baroque Church. 'Casa Professa' in Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Описание к видео A Walk in a Marvellous Baroque Church. 'Casa Professa' in Palermo, Sicily, Italy

The Church of the Gesù , or Casa Professa is one of the most important Baroque churches in the Italian city of Palermo and in all Sicily.
The Jesuits arrived in Palermo in 1549, and by the late 16th century began building a church adjacent to their mother house (Casa Professa) using a design by the Jesuit architect Giovanni Tristano. The original design called for a single nave with large transepts and several side chapels, but it was changed by the early 17th century, to a more grandiose layout typical of Jesuit architecture. Natale Masuccioremoved the chapels' dividing walls to add two side naves to the central one. The church was consecrated in 1636.
In 1943, during the Second World War, a bomb collapsed the church's dome, destroying most of the surrounding walls and most of the wall paintings in the chancel and transepts. These frescoes were replaced during two years' restoration work, after which the church reopened .
The layout is in the shape of a Latin cross. The nave is 72.10 m long, 42.65 m wide and 70 m high and is decorated with polychrome marbles, stucco and frescoes. In particular, the marble reliefs with their figural and ornamental motifs on the pillars and the marble mosaics are unique. The rebuilt structure has a double dome and stained glass windows.

La chiesa del Gesù nota anche come Casa Professa, è una delle più importanti chiese barocche di Palermo e dell'intera Sicilia.
Ideata dall'architetto gesuita Giovanni Tristano, in un primo momento si presentava ad unica navata con ampio transetto e ampie cappelle laterali. Agli inizi del XVII secolo per adeguarla alle esigenze di grandiosità tipiche dell'architettura gesuita, su progetto di Natale Masuccio e Tommaso Blandino furono abbattuti i muri divisori delle cappelle, ottenendo così tre navate.
L'addobbo interno, con pareti coperte da marmi, da tarsie, da statue e da arabeschi senza fine, costituisce un importante esempio di barocco con fusione tra architettura, scultura e pittura. Particolarmente vivace è la decorazione a mischio, cioè a tarsie marmoree pregiate, composte a motivi floreali o figurati.


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