Tamiya Super Clod Buster Goes Swimming!!!!

Описание к видео Tamiya Super Clod Buster Goes Swimming!!!!

I hope you enjoy this quick video (nothing on this truck is water proof)
I have done this years ago (1991 or 1992)... And never did it again until now.
I forgot to spray the whole chassis (inside and out) with WD40, gear boxes too. WD40 will save you rusted hardware and it displaces water...

Clods (Bullheads) do float but they don't turn very well in water.
The key to get them to stay afloat is, seal the tires to the wheels really good & COVER THE VENT HOLE in the wheels...

*******THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED!!!*********

This water smells so bad like Fat Bastard really did leave a floater here..
I did go home and rinsed the truck off for 5 mins (It still needs more, the smell, the smell..........)

Hope you liked this little outing the Clod & I had as this is the last (and first) time it is going swimming.. Unless I get a pool (won't happen, never again, talk about money pits).


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