Lesson "Bumble Bee Blues" vocal accomp. + Solo

Описание к видео Lesson "Bumble Bee Blues" vocal accomp. + Solo

This song is part of my Lesson Pack TABS Volume 2

Second lesson on this song; this time I teach the accompaniment behind the vocals and the guitar solo.

First lesson where I teach the intro
   • Bumble Bee Blues - Fingerpicking Guit...  
and how to get that tab

Lesson on The "Lost Secret" Of Country Blues Guitar - Open-Close Damp / Palm Muting - By Bernie Pearl
   • The "Lost Secret" Of Country Blues Gu...  


Bumble Bee Bumble Bee, please come back to me
You got the best ol' stinger, any bumble bee I ever seen

She stung me this morning, I've been looking for her whole day long
Well she 's got me to the place, hate to see my bumble bee gone

Well I can't stand to hear her
buzz buzz buzz
come here now bumble bee
I want you to stop your fuzz
You're my bumble bee, and I know your stuff
Ah, sting me bumble bee, till I say enough

I cried hmm hmm, stinger just as long as my right arm
Well, she 's got me to the place, hate to see my bumble bee gone

I'm playing a Martin CEO7


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