北拉斯維加斯現代化設計獨立屋新房 | 大公園旁環境清幽 | New Modern Design Single-family Community in North Las Vegas

Описание к видео 北拉斯維加斯現代化設計獨立屋新房 | 大公園旁環境清幽 | New Modern Design Single-family Community in North Las Vegas

經過過去十幾年來的大興土木,拉斯維加斯谷地內的建地可說是越來越少了,所以最近一、兩年很多建商推出的新建案,逐漸往拉斯維加斯谷地的邊邊拓展出去。這個新社區是在北拉斯維加斯新開發的一區,叫做Tule Springs。緊鄰社區的旁邊就是一個大公園,預計還有個警察局。在大約十分鐘的車程內,有圖書館、大大小小的公園、游泳池、超市、Costco、高爾夫球場,甚至是3分鐘內可抵達的215高速公路匝道路口。
After the new constructions in both residential and commercial real estate across the Las Vegas valley for the past decade, the lots available to build homes are getting fewer. Therefore for the past year or two many new communities launched by builders are almost on the edge of the valley. This community is located at the latest developed area in North Las Vegas, called Tule Springs. Adjacent to the community is a huge park and it is expected to have a police station as well. Within around 10 minutes of drive, there are amenities such as a library, big and small parks, a swimming pool, supermarkets, Costco, and a golf court, and you could reach the I-215 ramp in 3-minute drive.

這個有鐵門的獨立屋新房社區,房子的外觀設計很現代,總共有四種兩層樓的戶型,大小從2,203到2,900平方呎不等,3至5房配置,2.5至4套衛浴設計,全部都是雙車庫。價格從$457,000起 (as of 3/9/2023)。
The exterior design of the homes in this gated single-family home community is modern. This community offers four two-story floor plans, with approximate living space ranging from 2,203 square feet to 2,900 square feet. 3 to 5 bedrooms, 2.5 to 4 bathrooms, and two car garage. The base price starts from $457,000 (as of 3/9/2023).

Music credit:
On The Way by Vlad Gluschenko |   / vgl9  
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


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