Fruit Jam Recipe | how to make Mixed Fruit Jam at home | kids Favorite Jam - DV Recipes

Описание к видео Fruit Jam Recipe | how to make Mixed Fruit Jam at home | kids Favorite Jam - DV Recipes

Mixed fruit jam is the best of all the jams available, as it contains a medley of sweet flavors from a variety of fruits, and when paired with toasted or plain bread, rounds off our meal perfectly. Not just for breakfast, jam and bread combo can satiate our evening hunger too. For kids, best with chapatis and paratha. It's another interesting easy to way to feed them fruits, which they may despise having raw. When you can make preservative-free, healthier jam with fresh fruits and sugar content of your choice and that too easily, then why not make it at home?


Apple - 1
Pomegranate - 1
Orange - 1
Sugar - 1 nd 1/2 cup
Water - as needed
Red colour - 2 drops(optioal)

#DVRecipes #HappyTummy #FruitJam

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