A day with a GOLD pan on the TURON river

Описание к видео A day with a GOLD pan on the TURON river

On today’s episode we explore the key elements of what prospecting is about

We explore the side that isn’t often talked about with prospecting research test
Panning and reading the creak

Research: research is a significant part of prospecting. Knowing where to look for gold is crucial. Historical records, geological maps, and local knowledge all play a role.

Spot Selection: Finding the right spots involves understanding how gold behaves in rivers. During floods, gold tends to settle in specific areas. Test panning helps you identify those sweet spots.

Reading the River: It’s like deciphering nature’s code. The river’s flow, bends, and sediment patterns reveal where gold might accumulate. Test panning helps you map these areas.

Scaling Up: Once you’ve honed in on promising locations, you can bring out the bigger equipment—sluice boxes, dredges, or highbankers—to process larger quantities of material.

The Glitter: Ah, the allure of gold! That shimmering payoff after hard work—it’s what keeps prospectors going.

Keep those pans swirling!
Gotta get that glitter

#gottagetthatglitter #goldaddict #goldmining #goldprospecting


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