The Christmas Special That Changed Adventure Time Forever

Описание к видео The Christmas Special That Changed Adventure Time Forever

Adventure Time is one of the most popular and impactful modern cartoons, largely because it grew with its audience and matured as it went along, with darker storylines, interesting lore at atmosphere, and really focusing on developing its cast and characters into interesting people you can care about. But where did it start? I think it started right here with Holly Jolly Secrets. A Christmas Episode that seems like nothing but lighthearted fun, but hides much more serious tone, nature, and story. This is the episode where Adventure Time said it didnt want to just be another goofy kids show and took a serious risk in developing its characters it could never go back. So I want to look into these episodes not only as themselves, but to feel the enormous impact it's had on the entire franchise. So lets take a look at these old tapes and see if we can dig up some old, important memories.

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