
Описание к видео #BoldClimateActionIs

ClimateWorks Foundation’s CEO Helen Mountford explains that we can get back on track to meet our climate goals if we accelerate the positive progress that is already being made. She also outlines five bold actions world leaders must take at COP28 and how philanthropy can fund solutions to win on climate.

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More: climateworksorg/boldclimateactionis

It’s time to be bold on climate.

COP28 will be the most significant climate accountability moment to date. The Global Stocktake showed the world that climate progress isn’t happening fast enough, underscoring the need for bold action come December in Dubai. Now is the time for governments, businesses, philanthropy, and civil society to raise their ambition, accelerate their efforts, and work together to achieve a pathway for a 1.5° C future before it’s too late.

People around the world are stepping up for change. ClimateWorks’ grantees and partners champion solutions to the climate crisis that we can scale now. Together, let’s show our leaders the way — loudly.


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