Venus ♀️ Retrograde 2018 - Transforming Collective Feminine Energies

Описание к видео Venus ♀️ Retrograde 2018 - Transforming Collective Feminine Energies

Venus stations retrograde at 10 degrees Scorpio ♏ on October 5th and travels back to 25 degrees Libra ♎ until November 16th. Along the way, she makes ongoing aspects to both Uranus and Saturn that support the necessary changes to your self-love, feminine energies, relationship dynamics, feelings of self-worth, financial perspectives and what you need to receive to feel loved by source - it's a lot, but it's time.

Venus in Scorpio requires us to face our shadow energies, while Venus in Libra is able to talk about relationships and step out of the emotional depths for a bit. There is a big Cosmic shift occurring within each of us so that the higher vibration of self-love can be secure and confident for the road ahead. Transformation may be intense, but it will all be worth it on the other side.

Venus trining Neptune in Pisces at 14 degrees gives her the ability to trust the process, release the fears, and stay focused on the bigger picture that she can feel but perhaps not see yet.

Sept 4 - Venus passes 25 deg Libra, entering retrograde territory
Oct 5 - Venus stations retrograde at 10 deg Scorpio
Nov 1 – Venus re-enters Libra
Nov 16 – Venus stations direct at 25 deg Libra
Dec 3 – Venus re-enters Scorpio
Dec 19 – Venus moves to 11 deg Scorpio, clears the retrograde shadow
Jan 7 - Venus enters Sagittarius

Jupiter covered same territory of 25 deg Libra to 10 deg Scorpio
Sept 17, 2017 to Nov 30, 2017

Venus opposes Uranus:
Sept 13 at 2 deg Scorpio/Taurus
Oct 31 at 0 deg Scorpio/Taurus
Dec 1 at 29 deg Libra/Aries

Venus sextiles Saturn:
Sept 13 at 2 deg Scorpio/Capricorn
Oct 24 & 25 at 4 degrees Scorpio/Capricorn
Dec 16 & 17 at 9 degrees Scorpio/Capricorn

Ho'onoponopono Prayer
I am sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you


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