Could this new system prevent COLLISIONS at SEA?

Описание к видео Could this new system prevent COLLISIONS at SEA?

Check out WATCHIT Smart Prevention Collision System here:

Hi everyone!

Join me onboard as I install and test the brand new WATCHIT Smart Collision Prevention System! This is a system developed purely to prevent collisions at sea. It monitiors the surroundings around you, and will alert if you get close to shallow waters, grounds or navigation marks. We are only human and we can take bad desicions, or even no decisions at all, when we get tired and fatigued. WATCHIT is here to make you aware, when your not aware yourself.

Im really exited to bring this onboard to Greenland. When sailing in unknown water this system creates an extra barrier between me and a possible danger, and will make me aware if Im closing into a danger I might not know is there.

Lets put it to a real test!


To enter the waiting list for the WATCHIT smart prevention system enter here:

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