
Описание к видео 越滑手機越煩悶,剛出門就想回家!人為什麼會覺得「無聊」?|志祺七七

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#娛樂悖論 #煩躁
00:00 開頭
01:05 【徵正職企劃】廣告段落
01:54 無聊到底是怎麼來的?
03:25 現代生活越來越無聊?
04:17 無聊到底是什麼?
05:44 越多娛樂越無聊!
07:40 無聊是壞事嗎?
08:50 無聊其實是好事?
09:51 我們的觀點
10:30 提問
10:46 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→ 【投書】防疫在家好無聊嗎?看看海德格怎麼說無聊吧:https://is.gd/2rbjKt
→ 3 reasons boredom is good and ways to make space for it:https://is.gd/E267fd
→ 水傀儡:https://is.gd/jqvGS3
→ 水傀儡:https://is.gd/5J6mc6
→ 安娜·倫伯克博士(史丹佛大學精神醫學教授) 多巴胺的力量與成癮:https://is.gd/FtjiHt
→ 你为什么总是觉得无聊?:https://is.gd/T23y59
→ 你的無聊是誰製造的?:https://is.gd/rBR0JI
→ 你越常覺得無聊,就越容易發胖!?|【一天聽一點#1362】:https://is.gd/UPZWP2
→ 兒童教育:「無聊」對小孩原來並非壞事:https://is.gd/njrjc0
→ 叔本華:人生的悲觀主義者:https://is.gd/YDhYVY
→ 明明一直划手機,為什麼還是很無聊?|《無聊心理學》|#耳邊說書:https://is.gd/sct9aF
→ 肺炎疫情與心理健康:對無聊感的不同神秘感知教會了我們什麼:https://is.gd/gtfU7v
→ 為什麼明明很忙、卻又同時覺得很無聊:一部不無聊的無聊影片:https://is.gd/sL0rKr
→ 為什麼現在的人應付不了無聊了?:https://is.gd/KLNkMt
→ 異端始於無聊:https://is.gd/2AQMMB
→ 越南千年水上木偶戲 泡在水裡演給你看:https://is.gd/9UZAHd
→ 越南水上木偶戲:https://is.gd/sD91td
→ 羅馬人潮塞爆羅馬競技場看海戰!:https://is.gd/1eOZxf
→ 羅馬競技場:https://is.gd/EWngHd
→ A Warning From Science: Looking at Your Phone Will Just Make You More Bored:https://is.gd/AeyfJI
→ Between Pain and Pleasure: A Short History of Boredom and Boredology:https://is.gd/JO0Ib8
→ Bored in the USA: Experience sampling and boredom in everyday life.:https://is.gd/sqTbJy
→ Bored to death?:https://is.gd/3gvP8r
→ Boredom is a warning sign. Here’s what it’s telling you.:https://is.gd/rOQOCb
→ Boredom used to be the ultimate luxury, now it’s more attainable than ever:https://is.gd/ODHbo2
→ boredomlab:https://is.gd/O30RbB
→ Colosseum:https://is.gd/NiUd8e
→ Fatigue, boredom and objectively measured smartphone use at work:https://is.gd/iNbMzx
→ How Did Ancient People Deal With Boredom?:https://is.gd/ssq9Nd
→ The Science of Boredom:https://www.livescience.com/56162-sci...
→ I can’t get no satisfaction: Potential causes of boredom:https://is.gd/z9Y7Fl
→ International Society of Boredom Studies:https://is.gd/8LH5cC
→ Leprosy of the soul? A brief history of boredom:https://is.gd/t58oVe
→ Medieval football:https://is.gd/mwVxi8
→ More Bored Today Than Yesterday? National Trends in Adolescent Boredom From 2008 to 2017:https://is.gd/PxKQaG
→ On the Function of Boredom:https://is.gd/tnD0WD
→ Psychology: Why boredom is bad... and good for you:https://is.gd/3T79DT
→ Risk-taking increases under boredom:https://is.gd/ozywEq
→ The Colosseum: Emblem of Rome:https://is.gd/YTUjmb
→ The oddly interesting history of boredom:https://is.gd/ac0m5b
→ The Super Bowl of medieval football: A brief history:https://is.gd/iClSuq
→ What Does Boredom Do to Us—and for Us?:https://is.gd/2lPpPy
→ Why Boredom Is Anything but Boring:https://is.gd/NhCBtU
→ Why Boredom is Important—Smart Phones Negative Affect on Cultural Intelligence:https://is.gd/Eor6cZ
→ Why Neuroscientists Say, ‘Boredom Is Good For Your Brain’s Health.’:https://is.gd/eT6IiP
→ Why Was Medieval Football Banned?:https://is.gd/oQWHgq
→ Why We Get Bored:https://is.gd/uV3ODr
→ You Didn’t Invent That: Charles Dickens and Boredom:https://reurl.cc/Wv3RN7
→ Noonday Demon:https://is.gd/Yivukh

※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。


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