Golf Swing Mechanics Drill You Can Do At Home (Or Anywhere) To Improve Your Swing Instantly

Описание к видео Golf Swing Mechanics Drill You Can Do At Home (Or Anywhere) To Improve Your Swing Instantly

In this video, I show a good drill to create muscle memory of releasing the club properly and during the right time (at impact) in the golf swing. I do this by flipping the club over so that it is lighter and you can really feel the whip at impact. If you release the clubhead to early in the back swing (when the club is not yet at the ball) you will feel the deceleration at impact. You don't want that. You want the club accelerating at impact.

I practice this drill with my right hand, then left hand, and then use both hands. Once you get a good feel of releasing the bottom of the club at impact, you will have created a good muscle memory. You will naturally create the desired "lag" in the golf swing we are all seeking. From there, you can turn the club back to a normal position and grip the club and take some swings. You should feel the quick gain in clubhead speed as you have create a good mechanical motion that you can build upon in your real swing.

Keep practicing the drill daily and watch your swing improve and your clubhead speed increase.

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