Rocky The Red Rock'em Sock'em Robot: Official Music Video

Описание к видео Rocky The Red Rock'em Sock'em Robot: Official Music Video

It is with great pleasure that us here at PlethorA can finally announce our first music video. We put a ton of work and time into this, and hope you all enjoy.

Matt LaRocque

PlethorA and Matt LaRocque on bonus songs.

Kyle Brow, Cory Taylor, Peji Mayville, Paul Musolf

Lighting and Sound
Thomas Corbett and Peji Mayville

Matt LaRocque

Members of PlethorA, Avenue Sky, and Wrestlers from the Michigan Wrestling Organization.

Special Thanks to Billy Davidson and Jason Clous and the rest of the MWO for the use of the ring and wrestlers, and the owner of the Flint City Market Dave for staying open late to let us finish filming.


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