Signs and Symbols of Restorative Justice as a Movement with Carl Stauffer

Описание к видео Signs and Symbols of Restorative Justice as a Movement with Carl Stauffer

10 December 2019 | Guest: Carl Stauffer | Host: Thalia Gonzalez

How can we calibrate the development of the RJ movement? This seminar provides a ‘birds-eye’ view of several locations where the RJ movement has actively taken root within national public discourse. Co-Director of the Zehr Institute, Carl Stauffer will share his reflections from his 2019 sabbatical travels in New Zealand and Northern Ireland. In New Zealand, the RJ impulse was evident in creative public-private partnerships, Maori efforts at decolonization, and an impressive national response to the Christchurch massacre. Likewise, in Northern Ireland restorative justice is on the move through Project RESTORE - a national response to sexual violence, through a sustained network of local ex-combatant mediation centers, and through community organizing in response to Brexit. Bringing this home, in a publication partnership with California-based Dr. Thalia Gonzalez, they explore how these dynamics compare and contrast to how RJ is unfolding in the US today.


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