Homeskoolin’ Volume 154, Tom Bukovac, “EchoPlexi Soul”

Описание к видео Homeskoolin’ Volume 154, Tom Bukovac, “EchoPlexi Soul”

Uncle Larry in a brand new green Homeskoolin’ t….damn this thing is soooo comfy…it’s like wearing a cloud.

A brief dissertation on the power of blowing up the input of an old Fender amp with the right stuff.

Totally unrelated, one of my biggest pet peeves in this world is this…
when you see a thumbnail for a youtube video that has some kind of amazing photo….but then when you actually watch that video there is not a single thing in the video that even shows the photo they used in the thumbnail.

I fucking HATE that false advertising bullshit….there should be laws against this.

paypal tip jar is:
[email protected]

venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1


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