Willow Longplay (Arcade) [4K]

Описание к видео Willow Longplay (Arcade) [4K]

Developed and published by Capcom in 1989
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Released in 1989, Willow is a side-scrolling platform game based on the fantasy movie starring Warwick Davis and Val Kilmer. It possesses Capcom's usual attention to detail and production values, and is a solid yet difficult platforming experience.

The game broadly follows the movie plot, with players controlling spellcasting mage Willow, out to rescue an infant child from the clutches of Queen Bavmorda. Eventually, you'll rescue the mercenary Madmartigan, and from then on, the game alternates between the two characters for different stages, as well as giving you the ability to choose your preferred character later on.

The sections where you control Madmartigan are melee-focused, and draw obvious parallels with Strider. While they're decent enough, I definitely preferred the levels where you control Willow and use magic to combat enemies. The graduated magic bar that allows you to cast different spells the longer you hold down the fire button was neat idea.

You'll occasionally come across a shopkeeper from whom you can buy potions, charms and weapon upgrades. These get increasingly expensive, so it makes sense to farm enemies for coins, time permitting.



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