ASMR- Sorting & Testing Pens, Crayons & Pencils - no talking

Описание к видео ASMR- Sorting & Testing Pens, Crayons & Pencils - no talking

Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well and hasn't had the Coronavirus affect you or your family. I have been in Southern California and just got back to Vegas two days ago.. All seemed pretty normal until today when I was out and about here..much less traffic and people. But hey, our stores still have toilet paper!! lol..ffs..
I am just going at it as normal, I figure I can't hide out for a year. I'm just hoping older folks and those with conditions that make them more susceptible to catching it will take extreme care to protect themselves. And if you know of anyone who may be in those categories, call them, ask them if they need anything... if they are not able to get it themselves.. But stay distanced as if you are infected, (you may show no symptoms or just feel like you have a cold) ,giving it to them could prove deadly (as far as we know).
All governments don't seem to be proactive or have a detailed plan for the average citizen.(The technical term is "no, they have not their shit together") This is the time to not freak out, help your neighbor, let the best qualities shine through as they often do in trying times. Not the worst.
This isnt the end of the world. Once this has settled, we will remember each others helpful or selfish acts .. Be careful, be kind, be helpful and of course.. Be well! I hope this mellows, relaxes, and like Calgon baths ... "takes you away" somewhere peaceful for a moment or two..Much love to you all**** TracyZ


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