The Unbelievable loyalty of Elite Unit of Bodyguards of Hoysala kings called "The Garudas"

Описание к видео The Unbelievable loyalty of Elite Unit of Bodyguards of Hoysala kings called "The Garudas"

Step back in time and discover the incredible history of the Hoysala dynasty of Karnataka, with a special focus on the elite Garudas, the personal bodyguards who swore unwavering loyalty to their rulers. Learn about the Garudas' prestigious role, their public oaths of fealty, and the symbolic ganḍa-peṇḍāra anklet. Dive into the emotional depths of their bond with the king, culminating in acts of ultimate sacrifice. Explore the compelling story of Kuvara Lakshma, the leader of a thousand Garudas, and the poignant mass suicide following King Vir Ballal the Second's death. This captivating narrative unveils the Garudas' commitment and the historic significance of their loyalty.

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