NAVYA - THE AUTONOMOUS SHUTTLES OF PARIS LA DEFENSE (European's leading business district)

Описание к видео NAVYA - THE AUTONOMOUS SHUTTLES OF PARIS LA DEFENSE (European's leading business district)

Three autonomous driverless and 100% electric shuttles circulate all week long, for six months, in the most visited business district in Europe! The three autonomous shuttles operate on three different tracks in order to cover the district of La Défense which hosts more than 500 000 visitors daily!

During the first three months of the service, welcome officers will be present with the passengers onboard the shuttles to acquaint them with this unprecedented service. Then they will circulate without any welcome officers during the last three months.

The experimentation will be conducted, at least, until end of December 2017. It will allow to test this 100% autonomous and eco-friendly public transport service, in a very dense urban area, for the purpose of a possible deployment in the years to come. The goal of this service is to transport passengers on the first and last kilometer.

This service, offered by the STIF, Keolis, NAVYA and DEFACTO, is free during all the experimentation.


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