Diagonal Stride Poling Drill to Decrease Stride Length and Increase Lower Body Stability

Описание к видео Diagonal Stride Poling Drill to Decrease Stride Length and Increase Lower Body Stability

I was running wide off-track skis over some homemade tracks and, as I watch myself, I can see that I'm not necessarily demonstrating ideal body positioning with every stride. Please forgive me :)

This drill may seem like a small thing, but it's very effective at tying up some loose ends with regard to taking too long of a stride length.

By transitioning between using both poles, to no poles, to one pole, we have an opportunity to shorten up our stride length. That's because it's difficult to take too long of a stride without the use of both poles. And the reason a shorter stride length is beneficial is because it enables us to maintain the effective body position of having our center of mass over our base of support.

To be balanced on one foot/ski, we need our center of mass (point just below the belly button and directly centered within our torso ) to be over our base of support (feet/ski). With a stride that's too long, however, we can't achieve this because one foot will be too far forward requiring us to enlist our back leg to keep us upright. And this means that we'll be splitting our weight between both legs. But for effective push off, we need all of our weight on one ski lest we won't be able to adequately compress the push-off ski (and won't get adequate grip as a result).

When our stride is too long, our stability also decreases. For example, do you find it easier to stay balanced if your feet are directly beneath you or if you were doing the splits? And when we're in an unstable/unbalanced position we may then need to put those ski poles out in front of us or way off to the side in order to stay upright. And this means that they're not being used for propulsion.

Long story short, work toward decreasing your stride length to achieve a more optimized xc ski experience!

I was running Fischer S-Bound 112mm with Rottefella Super Tele Bindings, and wearing Alpina Alaska 75mm boots in this video.

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Please note that I produced my series of articles and videos tagged “Cross-Country Skiing Explained” with the beginner or intermediate cross-country skier in mind. Therefore, I don’t intend to address racing-oriented philosophy, technique, or gear selection.

Classic Cross-Country Ski Components (articles at Tahoe Trail Guide):

Introduction to Classic Cross-Country Skis (Part 1)

Geometry of Classic Cross-Country Skis (Part 2)

The Grip Zone of Classic Cross-Country Skis (Part 3)

Types of Bindings for Classic Cross-Country Skiing (Part 4)

Ski Boots for Classic Cross-Country Skiing (Part 5)

Classic Cross-Country Ski Poles (Part 6)

FAQs about Classic Cross-Country Skiing

Considerations for buying cross-country ski gear (new and beginner xc skiers):

Buying Cross-Country Ski Gear, for Beginners (Part 1)

I've produced this collection of articles and videos about backcountry travel and exploration with the beginner and intermediate adventurer in mind. This is the demographic for whom I most often served while working in the Lake Tahoe outdoor recreation industry. In essence, these informational projects I create and publish are extensions of the many conversations we've had over the years.

Please note that, although I encourage you to venture out of your comfort zone, you need to know your limits and when to turn back. Tahoe Trail Guide and its contributors are not liable for property loss or damage, personal injury, or death. Always consult multiple sources when venturing into the backcountry. Always be prepared for the worst case scenario. Your safety is your responsibility.

Copyright © 2024 Jared Manninen

For more information, visit… https://TahoeTrailGuide.com


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