Numerology : the number 3 personality (if you're born on the 3, 12, 21, or 30)

Описание к видео Numerology : the number 3 personality (if you're born on the 3, 12, 21, or 30)

Are you born on the 3, 12, 21, 30 ? Are you a number 3 personality ? Did you know that numbers shape our personality traits and psychology ?
The number of the day you were born is having an energy and this energy has an impact on how we behave and what we are. This is the ancient science of numerology. In this episode I will explain the personality traits of people born under the influence of the number three energy. You are a number two if your birthdate is the 3, 12, 21or the 30 of the month.


Searching for other numbers ? Here are all my videos on numerology - personality according to birth date :    • Numerology : the number 2 personality...  


I am a tarot reader and palmist (palm reading, chiromancy) and I provide spiritual guidance based on my deep intuition.

I release tarot reading horoscope/forecast video every month twice for each zodiac signs. If your are interested don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell button in order to get notified when a new video is released.

Here the playlist with all my zodiac sign personality videos :    • Плейлист  

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If you wish to book a personal reading, contact me on my web site :

Remember : Your future is in your hands !

NB : These videos are for entertainment purpose only.


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