Retirement – it’s not what it used to be with Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald | Pioneering Pensions

Описание к видео Retirement – it’s not what it used to be with Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald | Pioneering Pensions

Retirement isn’t what it used to be. Our working lives, health and lifestyles have evolved, but has our concept of retirement kept up with these changes?

In this episode of Pioneering Pensions, Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, Director of Financial Security Research at the National Institute on Ageing at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), Canada. She’s an important voice in the Canadian press, covering the challenges that pensioners are expected to face.

Together, we explore whether healthy life expectancy is keeping up with life expectancy, and how people tend to spend in retirement and how it changes with age. We also examine the challenges with public pension systems with a Canadian and UK lens.

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