Skies of CD-I Legends Part 2 "Small Preview"

Описание к видео Skies of CD-I Legends Part 2 "Small Preview"

I know some of you have been waiting since a very long time for a good video, but sadly this is only a small preview of my next video it only show one of the three RPG battles during the video.

If you cannot tell I wanted Link Nukem to be some kind of ultra badass Boss while the evil team we're some weak low level heros who dare to challenge the Boss to soon in the game.

(They need some more training I think!) XD

Why Link Nukem is so strong? He's not always this strong the reason why he's that strong in this fight is because it was all a set up trap by The King to beat them.

Ganon decided to send his elites minions to attack The King Ship there was alot of minions more that only 5 at first, but Link Nukem and The King teamed together to take down the most powerfull minions while Mario, Gay Lugi and the other take down the weaker one, but then the 5 most powerfull minions came in.

Since Omfak Shield is really powerfull and Millitron hit really hard while Hectan always heal them Link Nukem and The King tried to take them down before in another scene and fail so they escaped and The King decided to set up a trap.

The trap is to bring them in a room where Link Nukem can absorb the power of the Triforce and so he can become extremely strong and because of that he's totally invincible and kicked they ass...

I might also add Link Nukem is really pissed off in this battle for a good reason that is why he's not fucking around and kick they ass without mercy. (As you can see with Harlequin at the end.)

As I said at the end of the video this is not official yet, I might change the battle music or even attacks the sound seem to be a little mess up too.


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