Opravka Prekidača Svetla ( Light Switch ) VW Audi i Škoda 242638002

Описание к видео Opravka Prekidača Svetla ( Light Switch ) VW Audi i Škoda 242638002

Svi prekidači svetla ove grupe su isti sa razlikom grebenaste osovine koja daje drugi program paljenja kontakata. U osnovi princip i izgled je uvek isti. Neka sistemska greška je kada stalno gore maglovke smo napred ili i napred i nazad..... Opravka je na sledeći način

All light switches of this group are the same with the difference of the ridge axis which gives another program of ignition of contacts. Basically, the principle and appearance are always the same. Some system error is when we are constantly burning fog we are forward or both forward and backward ..... The fix is as follows


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