The Biblical Month of Elul. How Yeshua Fulfilled Teshuvah

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The Sixth Biblical Month of Elul: September 4, 2024

Starting this next Tuesday at sundown, September 3rd we begin the 6th Biblical month of Elul.

ELUL means, "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"

For 40 days before Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) October 12, 2016, Israel will blow the rams horn preparing all the people for this day. Rosh Hashanah means "rams’ horn" or the turning in repentance (Teshuvah.) Then Yom Kippur is the culmination of the shedding of blood in the Holy Hollies. In ancient times once you heard the ram’s horn, it was time to focus on salvation. If you heard it, then you were to blow it so your neighbor could hear it. It would be blown from household to household so that all of Israel would know the time and season and no one miss out.

Not only is this the time turning away from the old in repentance, but it also the time when God determines the blessings you will walk in the new year. Debbie and I have been blowing our rams horn every morning since Sunday and will continue until October 12th. Listen to what Numbers 10: 9-10 says, "“When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and you will be saved from your enemies. Also in the day of your gladness, in your appointed feasts, and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be a memorial for you before your God: I am the LORD your God.”

Did you get that?

1. When you blow your trumpet, you will be remembered by God and He will save you from your enemies.

2. And you shall be a memorial before the Lord.

3. It shall be a day of your gladness.

This is also the time when the King Is in Your Field. It is the story of the Old Testament book of Ruth. Boaz is the King. Ruth, who is a Widow, returns to Jerusalem to follow her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth is destitute and gleams in the field for grain every day. Boaz, her Kinsmen Redeemer, who is a typology of Yeshua, sees her and tells his servants to leave more than enough grain for her at the corner of the field. He eventually meets her and marries her in covenant as his Bride. During this Biblical Season the King is in your field to re-establish His Covenant with you in this next 40 days.

Every 40 Day Season mention in the Bible has to do with Transition and Covenant.

1. Noah and rained for 40 days to re-establish Covenant.

2. Moses and Mt Sinai for 40 days to re-establish Covenant with the writing of the Ten Commandments.

3. Jesus is in the wilderness for 40 days being tested as the sinless Lamb of God to establish Covenant between God and man.

4. So, these next 40 days leading to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is a time for us to re-establish our Covenant with God.

In Luke 3:3, as the season of Teshuvah was beginning, John the Immerser [John the Baptist] was calling everyone to repent and be immersed.

In Luke 3 and Matthew 3, Yeshua came to him to be immersed. In Matthew 4, immediately after his immersion, we retreated into the wilderness for a 40-day fast.

In Luke 4, we see him returning to the synagogue on Yom Kippur. How do we know it's Yom Kippur? Yeshua read from Isaiah 61 –– "I came to set the captives free and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." This phrase, "the year of the Lord's favor," was a reference to the year of Jubilee. The Jubilee was only proclaimed on Yom Kippur, according to Leviticus 25:9.

Yeshua fulfilled the 40-day season of Teshuvah by fasting for 40 days. As in everything he did, he always fulfilled the Torah to the utmost.

Elul 1 is the day that rain began to pour upon Noah’s Ark for 40 days, to cleanse the earth from man’s corruption.

Elul 1 is the day that Jonah went to the city of Ninevah, warning them that they had 40 days to repent, and turn to God, or else their city would be destroyed. (Again, 40 days.) Just before Jonah’s warning, Ninevah experienced a total solar eclipse that passed over them as a warning (in 753 BCE).

The Jewish tradition during this season of “Teshuvah” is to recite Psalm 27 daily, and to blow the shofar each morning (except on Shabbats). It is a time of personal reflection, to right the wrongs in our lives, and heal broken relationships. It is the time to prepare for the coming High Holy Days — Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot.

Elul 1 is the day of the New Moon. Ezekiel 46:1 tells us that God open the gates to his inner court to us on New Moon days and on Sabbaths.

Wellspring Israel
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